LADWP, Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Storage Replacement

The Silver Lake Reservoir Complex (SLRC) Bypass Project is part of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s (LADWP) compliance efforts to address updated State and Federal drinking water quality regulations. These regulations required the LADWP to cover treated water stored in its open reservoirs. To comply with these regulations, LADWP removed the Silver Lake and Ivanhoe Reservoirs from service and built the Headworks Reservoir; a new 110-million-gallon buried tank, and the needed bypass tunnels. Twining was involved in the SLRC project from its design inception to its completion.
Twining served as a part of the engineering team tasked with drafting the project design specification for both the SLRC and the River Supply Conduit Unit 4 bypass tunnels that convey flow from the new Headworks Reservoir to existing service areas. The firm’s Concrete Insight team designed the concrete mixes to maximize their performance by minimizing cracking potential, including the control of heat generation. Twining also performed laboratory evaluation of the concrete mix designs to provide inputs for the thermal modeling of mass concrete elements and ensured specification compliance.
Twining provided materials testing and inspection quality control services on the construction of the 68-million-gallon Headworks buried concrete reservoir. These services included the inspection of reinforcing steel installation, concrete placement and curing, and developing thermal control plans to minimize temperature differences of mass concrete elements and minimize the potential for post-pour thermal cracking.