Low Carbon Concrete Testing

Material Evaluation and Certification Services
for Low-Carbon Concrete
Twining Concrete Insight is a leading provider of evaluation and certification services for concrete materials, including novel cement and cementitious materials. Our experienced professionals and accredited laboratories work with material suppliers worldwide.
Material Evaluation and Certification Services
for Low-Carbon Concrete
Twining Concrete Insight is a leading provider of evaluation and certification services for concrete materials, including novel cement and cementitious materials. Our experienced professionals and accredited laboratories work with material suppliers worldwide.
We assist producers of novel cement and cementitious materials during the product research and development phase, certification, production, sales, and industry application. We provide laboratory testing, engineering consulting, and engineering implementation support.
Embracing Change and Answering the Call of the Times
The concrete construction industry is answering the call for complete decarbonization while satisfying the growing demand in the volumes of production due to the growth of population and urbanization. Portland cement, the key ingredient of concrete, is one of the significant contributors to carbon emissions. Reducing the Portland cement clinker content in concrete is the most direct and effective way to produce low-carbon concrete. This reduction can be achieved by:
- Replacing part of the cement with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) such as fly ash, processed natural and waste-derived pozzolan, slag, etc.
- Using ASTM C595 Portland limestone cement which has lower embodied carbon than ASTM C150 Portland cement.
- Using novel low-carbon cements.
- Using novel low-carbon cementitious products that can partially replace the cement.

Product Certification Services
However you're contributing to the zero-carbon initiative— from sourcing new fly ash or pozzolan or other SCMs, to inventing and bringing to the market innovative low-carbon cement, supplementary cementitious product, or cementitious blend—Twining can be your resource and trustworthy partner. Our laboratories are accredited by AASHTO, IAS, Caltrans, USACE, and other agencies. We have decades of experience in evaluating and certifying cementitious materials per national or regional standards. These include:
- ASTM C150 for Portland cement
- ASTM C494 for concrete admixtures
- ASTM C595 for blended hydraulic cement
- ASTM C618 for fly ash and pozzolan,
- ASTM C989 for slag cement
- ASTM C1157 for hydraulic cement
- ASTM C1240 for silica fume
- ASTM C1709 for alternative supplementary cementitious materials
- Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 90, Concrete
- ICC-ES AC529, Acceptance Criteria for Low-Carbon Alternative Cement
Our Renowned Concrete Expertise
Our highly regarded concrete experts have decades of experience working intimately with the construction industry. We assist owners, contractors, and concrete suppliers in the design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation phases. Our thorough understanding of concrete materials science, production and construction practices means we can bring holistic, applicable, and cost-effective solutions to your needs or challenges.

Our material engineering and consulting services are supported by the robust capabilities of Twining’s fully certified and accredited laboratories. This allows us to support developers and producers of cement and supplementary cementitious materials with the implementation of their products in concrete construction practice.
We are able to evaluate the impacts of the new cements or cementitious materials on plastic properties of concrete, and full range of performance of hardened concrete such as mechanical properties, moisture and temperature related volume changes, permeability, durability, and macro and microstructure.

Along with the full scope of ASTM and AASHTO standard specifications testing, we offer calorimetry, as well as specialty petrographic, XRD, and other analytical methods for the evaluation of the novel clinker-based and clinker-less alternative cement, as well as supplementary cementitious matters.
We have worked with national and international suppliers of cement and supplementary cementitious materials to bring their products to the industry forefront (see our recent effort in The Washington Post), so let’s connect, partner with Twining Concrete Insight in your effort to a net-zero-carbon future. Our experiences and capabilities can help you streamline your path and resolve roadblocks with confidence.