Materials Testing Laboratories
Materials Testing Services For Quality Control And Safety
Twining has been at the forefront of construction materials testing for over a century. Our network of seven state-of-the-art laboratories, complimented by our fleet of mobile laboratories, allows us to provide in-house testing for projects throughout California. Twining offers fast, reliable test results that our clients can count on.
Twining subscribes to the most stringent certification, inspection, and/or accreditation requirements in the industry. We are accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program, inspected by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) and AASHTO re:source, and are also recognized by agencies including Caltrans, Division of the State Architect (DSA), International Accreditation Service (IAS), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with numerous cities and counties as a certified geotechnical, asphalt paving, materials testing and inspection laboratory.
In accordance with our accreditation by the International Accreditation Service, we rigorously verify the calibration of all test equipment utilizing a controlled Quality Assurance Program meeting the specifications in ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and standards traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology. Apart from material testing services, we also maintain a rigorous training program for our experienced staff of testing technicians that is overseen by registered civil engineers.
- Laboratory trial batch of concrete (ASTM C192)
- Concrete setting time (ASTM C403)
- Slump flow of self-consolidating concrete (ASTM C1611)
- Passing ability of self-consolidating concrete by J-ring (ASTM C1621)
- Static segregation of self-consolidating concrete (ASTM C1610)
- Bleeding of concrete (ASTM C232)
- Compressive strength (ASTM C39)
- Flexural strength (ASTM C78)
- Splitting tensile strength (ASTM C496)
- Static modulus of elasticity (ASTM C469)
- Drying shrinkage (ASTM C157, AASHTO T160)Restrained expansion (ASTM C878)
- Coefficient of thermal expansion (AASHTO T336, CRD 39)
- Flexural toughness of fiber-reinforced concrete (ASTM C1609, EN 14651)
- Tensile performance of fiber-reinforced concrete using double-punch loading (Draft ASTM)
- Cracking resistance (ASTM C1581)
- Creep (ASTM C512)
- Water-soluble chloride (ASTM C1218)
- Acid-soluble chloride (ASTM C1152)
- Rapid chloride permeability (ASTM C1202)
- Chloride diffusion coefficient (ASTM C1556, NT Build 492)Concrete formation factor (AASHTO 358)Density, absorption, and voids in hardened concrete (ASTM C642)
- Bulk electrical resistivity of concrete (ASTM C1876)
- Surface electrical resistivity of concrete (AASHTO TP95)
- Density of structural lightweight concrete made in the laboratory, equilibrium or oven dry method (ASTM C567)
- Laboratory development of strength-maturity curve (ASTM C1074)
- Petrographic exam on hardened concrete (ASTM C856, ASTM C1723)
- Air void systems in hardened concrete (ASTM C457)
- W/CM determination (NT Build 361)
- Insoluble residue analysis (ASTM C1324)
- Portland cement (ASTM C150)
- Portland limestone cement and other blended hydraulic cement (ASTM C595)
- Shrinkage-compensating cement (ASTM C845)
- Other hydraulic cement (ASTM C1157)
- Rapid hardening hydraulic cement (ASTM C1600)
- Plastic (stucco) cement (ASTM C1328)
- Fly ash and natural pozzolan (ASTM C618)
- Slag cement (ASTM C989)
- Silica fume (ASTM C1240)
- Alternative supplementary cementitious materials (ASTM C1709)
- Restrained expansion of Type K cement mortar (ASTM C806)
- Sulfate resistance of hydraulic cement (ASTM C1012)
- Sulfate resistance of Portland cement (ASTM C452)
- Expansion of hydraulic cement mortar in water (ASTM C1038)
- Effectiveness of Pozzolan & Slag Cement in Mitigating Expansion due to ASR (ASTM C441)
- Abrasion resistance (ASTM C131)
- Clay lumps and friable particles (ASTM C142)
- Cleanness value (CTM 227)
- Chloride and sulfate content (CTM 417, CTM 422)
- Crushed/fractured particles (ASTM D5821, CTM 205)
- Durability Index (ASTM D3744, CTM 229)
- Fine aggregates angularity (ASTM C1252, CTM 234, AASHTO T304)
- Flat and elongated particles (ASTM D4791)
- Moisture content of soil or rock (ASTM D2216, CTM 226)
- R Value (ASTM D2844, CTM 217)
- Sieve analysis (ASTM C136, CTM 202)
- No. 200 wash (ASTM D1140, CTM 202)
- Sieve with Hydrometer (ASTM D422, D7928, CTM 203)
- Soundness (ASTM C88)
- Specific gravity and absorption (ASTM C127, ASTM C128)
- Swell/Settlement potential (ASTM D4546)
- Bulk density and voids in aggregates (ASTM C29, CTM 212)
- Lightweight particles in aggregates (ASTM C123)
- Evaluation of alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates and aggregate-cementitious combinations (ASTM C1260, ASTM C289, ASTM C1293, ASTM C1567, ASTM C1778)
- Qualification of aggregates for use in concrete (ASTM C33)
- Qualification of lightweight aggregates for use in concrete (ASTM C330)
- Qualification of concrete aggregates per requirements of Caltrans, Greenbook, FAA, and other agencies
- Aggregate certification for deleterious materials per USACE scope
- Petrographic examination of aggregates (ASTM C295)
- Scratch hardness of aggregates (CRD-C 130)
- Resistance of rock to freezing and thawing (CRD-C 144)
- Chemical admixtures for concrete (ASTM C494)
- Air-entraining admixtures for concrete (ASTM C260)
- Mortar for unit masonry (ASTM C270)
- Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout Non-shrink (ASTM C1107)
- Packaged, Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repairs (ASTM C928)
- Mortars for plain and reinforced unit masonry (ASTM C780)
- Sampling and testing grout for masonry (ASTM C1019)
- Non-shrink grout: height change after final set (ASTM C1090)
- None-shrink grout: height change at early age (ASTM C827)
- Compressive strength of mortar cubes (ASTM C109)
- Bond strength by slant shear (ASTM C882)
- Compression test and lightweight insulating concrete (ASTM C495)
- Air-dry density of gypsums, gypsum plasters, and gypsum concretes (ASTM C472)
- Compressive strength of gypsums, gypsum plasters, and gypsum concretes (ASTM C472)

Materials Testing Laboratories
Materials Testing Laboratories
Materials Testing Services For Quality Control And Safety
Twining has been at the forefront of construction materials testing for over a century. Our network of seven state-of-the-art laboratories, complimented by our fleet of mobile laboratories, allows us to provide in-house testing for projects throughout California. Twining offers fast, reliable test results that our clients can count on.
Twining subscribes to the most stringent certification, inspection, and/or accreditation requirements in the industry. We are accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program, inspected by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) and AASHTO re:source, and are also recognized by agencies including Caltrans, Division of the State Architect (DSA), International Accreditation Service (IAS), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with numerous cities and counties as a certified geotechnical, asphalt paving, materials testing and inspection laboratory.
In accordance with our accreditation by the International Accreditation Service, we rigorously verify the calibration of all test equipment utilizing a controlled Quality Assurance Program meeting the specifications in ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and standards traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology. Apart from material testing services, we also maintain a rigorous training program for our experienced staff of testing technicians that is overseen by registered civil engineers.

Twining has been at the forefront of construction materials testing for over a century. Our network of seven state-of-the-art laboratories, complimented by our fleet of mobile laboratories, allows us to provide in-house testing for projects throughout California. Twining offers fast, reliable test results that our clients can count on.
Twining subscribes to the most stringent certification, inspection, and/or accreditation requirements in the industry. We are accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program, inspected by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) and AASHTO re:source, and are also recognized by agencies including Caltrans, Division of the State Architect (DSA), International Accreditation Service (IAS), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with numerous cities and counties as a certified geotechnical, asphalt paving, materials testing and inspection laboratory.
In accordance with our accreditation by the International Accreditation Service, we rigorously verify the calibration of all test equipment utilizing a controlled Quality Assurance Program meeting the specifications in ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and standards traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology. Apart from material testing services, we also maintain a rigorous training program for our experienced staff of testing technicians that is overseen by registered civil engineers.
- Troubleshooting production and construction practices
- Investigation of conditions and mechanisms contributing to defects to prevent reoccurrence
- Investigation for the presence of suspected discontinuities (delaminations and porous areas)
- Validation of position of steel reinforcement and load transfer devices (dowel and tie bars)
- Development of repair recommendations, and confirmation of the soundness of repairs
- Validation of mechanical properties, air-void system, and transport properties of concrete
- Confirmation of concrete proportions and constituting materials for compliance with the approved mixture design
- Diagnosis of causes of early-age cracking, development and implementation of cracking mitigation protocol
- Development and confirmation of as-built documentation
- Condition assessment of concrete, unit masonry, plaster, and stucco
- Condition assessment of reinforcing and structural steel
- Evaluation of material conditions impacting functional and structural performance
- Durability and service life assessment(remaining services life)
- Observations and evaluations for seismic upgrade
- Technical support of planned and emergency repair and rehabilitation
- Condition monitoring
- Determination of material-related distress mechanisms affecting concrete, steel, and integrated reinforced concrete system
- Determination of material-related distress mechanisms affecting cementitious-based building materials
- Determination of distress mechanism initiating conditions
- Sampling of concrete and steel for laboratory testing, examination, and analyses
- Analyses of impacts of design, construction specifications, and practices on distress/cracking
- Assessment of repair options
- Dispute resolution and litigation support

Twining has been at the forefront of construction materials testing for over a century. Our network of seven state-of-the-art laboratories, complimented by our fleet of mobile laboratories, allows us to provide in-house testing for projects throughout California. Twining offers fast, reliable test results that our clients can count on.
Twining subscribes to the most stringent certification, inspection, and/or accreditation requirements in the industry. We are accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program, inspected by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) and AASHTO re:source, and are also recognized by agencies including Caltrans, Division of the State Architect (DSA), International Accreditation Service (IAS), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with numerous cities and counties as a certified geotechnical, asphalt paving, materials testing and inspection laboratory.
In accordance with our accreditation by the International Accreditation Service, we rigorously verify the calibration of all test equipment utilizing a controlled Quality Assurance Program meeting the specifications in ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and standards traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology. Apart from material testing services, we also maintain a rigorous training program for our experienced staff of testing technicians that is overseen by registered civil engineers.

We Use The Following Techniques
Twining has been at the forefront of construction materials testing for over a century. Our network of seven state-of-the-art laboratories, complimented by our fleet of mobile laboratories, allows us to provide in-house testing for projects throughout California. Twining offers fast, reliable test results that our clients can count on.
Twining subscribes to the most stringent certification, inspection, and/or accreditation requirements in the industry. We are accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program, inspected by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) and AASHTO re:source, and are also recognized by agencies including Caltrans, Division of the State Architect (DSA), International Accreditation Service (IAS), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with numerous cities and counties as a certified geotechnical, asphalt paving, materials testing and inspection laboratory.
In accordance with our accreditation by the International Accreditation Service, we rigorously verify the calibration of all test equipment utilizing a controlled Quality Assurance Program meeting the specifications in ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and standards traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology. Apart from material testing services, we also maintain a rigorous training program for our experienced staff of testing technicians that is overseen by registered civil engineers.
- Visual assessment of conditions
- Mapping, photo, and video documentation
- Instrumented survey
- As-built drawings
- Drone survey
- Ground-penetrating radar (various frequency antenna)
- Impact echo
- Ultrasound pulse velocity
- Shear wave tomography
- Half-cell potential
- Electrical resistivity
- Dye penetrant
- Magnetic particles
- Surface hardness (Leeb hardness, Schmidthammer)
- Videoscopy
- Thermography
- Testing concrete for strengths, modulus of elasticity and Poisson ratio
- Optical microscopy
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Energy-dispersive X-Ray analysis
- Wet chemistry analyses for water-soluble and acid-soluble chlorides
- X-Ray fluorescent analysis
- X-ray diffraction analysis
- Mechanical testing of steel
- Physical measurements of loss of cross-section
- Analyses for chemical composition of steel
- Analysis for acid and water soluble chlorides
- Rapid-chloride permeability (USA and EN methods)
- Electrical Resistivity
- Coefficient of chloride diffusion (direct analysis, and formation factor-based estimation)
- Formation factor
- Chloride-binding isotherm
- Expansion of concrete due to residual reactivity of aggregates with alkali
- Life 365
- FIP Model Code Bulletin 34 (USACE approved method)
Twining has been at the forefront of construction materials testing for over a century. Our network of seven state-of-the-art laboratories, complimented by our fleet of mobile laboratories, allows us to provide in-house testing for projects throughout California. Twining offers fast, reliable test results that our clients can count on.
Twining subscribes to the most stringent certification, inspection, and/or accreditation requirements in the industry. We are accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program, inspected by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) and AASHTO re:source, and are also recognized by agencies including Caltrans, Division of the State Architect (DSA), International Accreditation Service (IAS), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with numerous cities and counties as a certified geotechnical, asphalt paving, materials testing and inspection laboratory.
In accordance with our accreditation by the International Accreditation Service, we rigorously verify the calibration of all test equipment utilizing a controlled Quality Assurance Program meeting the specifications in ANS/ISO/IEC Standard 17025 and standards traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology. Apart from material testing services, we also maintain a rigorous training program for our experienced staff of testing technicians that is overseen by registered civil engineers.
- Laboratory trial batch of concrete (ASTM C192)
- Concrete setting time (ASTM C403)
- Slump flow of self-consolidating concrete (ASTM C1611)
- Passing ability of self-consolidating concrete by J-ring (ASTM C1621)
- Static segregation of self-consolidating concrete (ASTM C1610)
- Bleeding of concrete (ASTM C232)
- Compressive strength (ASTM C39)
- Flexural strength (ASTM C78)
- Splitting tensile strength (ASTM C496)
- Static modulus of elasticity (ASTM C469)
- Drying shrinkage (ASTM C157, AASHTO T160)Restrained expansion (ASTM C878)
- Coefficient of thermal expansion (AASHTO T336, CRD 39)
- Flexural toughness of fiber-reinforced concrete (ASTM C1609, EN 14651)
- Tensile performance of fiber-reinforced concrete using double-punch loading (Draft ASTM)
- Cracking resistance (ASTM C1581)
- Creep (ASTM C512)
- Water-soluble chloride (ASTM C1218)
- Acid-soluble chloride (ASTM C1152)
- Rapid chloride permeability (ASTM C1202)
- Chloride diffusion coefficient (ASTM C1556, NT Build 492)Concrete formation factor (AASHTO 358)Density, absorption, and voids in hardened concrete (ASTM C642)
- Bulk electrical resistivity of concrete (ASTM C1876)
- Surface electrical resistivity of concrete (AASHTO TP95)
- Density of structural lightweight concrete made in the laboratory, equilibrium or oven dry method (ASTM C567)
- Laboratory development of strength-maturity curve (ASTM C1074)
- Petrographic exam on hardened concrete (ASTM C856, ASTM C1723)
- Air void systems in hardened concrete (ASTM C457)
- W/CM determination (NT Build 361)
- Insoluble residue analysis (ASTM C1324)
- Portland cement (ASTM C150)
- Portland limestone cement and other blended hydraulic cement (ASTM C595)
- Shrinkage-compensating cement (ASTM C845)
- Other hydraulic cement (ASTM C1157)
- Rapid hardening hydraulic cement (ASTM C1600)
- Plastic (stucco) cement (ASTM C1328)
- Fly ash and natural pozzolan (ASTM C618)
- Slag cement (ASTM C989)
- Silica fume (ASTM C1240)
- Alternative supplementary cementitious materials (ASTM C1709)
- Restrained expansion of Type K cement mortar (ASTM C806)
- Sulfate resistance of hydraulic cement (ASTM C1012)
- Sulfate resistance of Portland cement (ASTM C452)
- Expansion of hydraulic cement mortar in water (ASTM C1038)
- Effectiveness of Pozzolan & Slag Cement in Mitigating Expansion due to ASR (ASTM C441)
- Abrasion resistance (ASTM C131)
- Clay lumps and friable particles (ASTM C142)
- Cleanness value (CTM 227)
- Chloride and sulfate content (CTM 417, CTM 422)
- Crushed/fractured particles (ASTM D5821, CTM 205)
- Durability Index (ASTM D3744, CTM 229)
- Fine aggregates angularity (ASTM C1252, CTM 234, AASHTO T304)
- Flat and elongated particles (ASTM D4791)
- Moisture content of soil or rock (ASTM D2216, CTM 226)
- R Value (ASTM D2844, CTM 217)
- Sieve analysis (ASTM C136, CTM 202)
- No. 200 wash (ASTM D1140, CTM 202)
- Sieve with Hydrometer (ASTM D422, D7928, CTM 203)
- Soundness (ASTM C88)
- Specific gravity and absorption (ASTM C127, ASTM C128)
- Swell/Settlement potential (ASTM D4546)
- Bulk density and voids in aggregates (ASTM C29, CTM 212)
- Lightweight particles in aggregates (ASTM C123)
- Evaluation of alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates and aggregate-cementitious combinations (ASTM C1260, ASTM C289, ASTM C1293, ASTM C1567, ASTM C1778)
- Qualification of aggregates for use in concrete (ASTM C33)
- Qualification of lightweight aggregates for use in concrete (ASTM C330)
- Qualification of concrete aggregates per requirements of Caltrans, Greenbook, FAA, and other agencies
- Aggregate certification for deleterious materials per USACE scope
- Petrographic examination of aggregates (ASTM C295)
- Scratch hardness of aggregates (CRD-C 130)
- Resistance of rock to freezing and thawing (CRD-C 144)
- Chemical admixtures for concrete (ASTM C494)
- Air-entraining admixtures for concrete (ASTM C260)
- Mortar for unit masonry (ASTM C270)
- Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout Non-shrink (ASTM C1107)
- Packaged, Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repairs (ASTM C928)
- Mortars for plain and reinforced unit masonry (ASTM C780)
- Sampling and testing grout for masonry (ASTM C1019)
- Non-shrink grout: height change after final set (ASTM C1090)
- None-shrink grout: height change at early age (ASTM C827)
- Compressive strength of mortar cubes (ASTM C109)
- Bond strength by slant shear (ASTM C882)
- Compression test and lightweight insulating concrete (ASTM C495)
- Air-dry density of gypsums, gypsum plasters, and gypsum concretes (ASTM C472)
- Compressive strength of gypsums, gypsum plasters, and gypsum concretes (ASTM C472)

Petrographic examination of concrete and cementitious materials (ASTM C856) including visual examination of specimens in as-received condition, stereomicroscopy of polished cross-sectional surfaces, thin section analysis using fluorescence microscopy, and phenolphthalein staining to characterize the composition and condition as well as causes of deterioration or distress in submitted samples,
Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDS) analysis (ASTM C1723) for elemental composition of concrete, cementitious materials, aggregate and secondary deposits,
Chloride analysis to measure acid-soluble chloride content (ASTM C1152) or water-soluble chloride content (ASTM C1218) within a material to evaluate for corrosion potential and external chloride exposure,
Hardened air void system analysis (ASTM C457) to evaluate for total air content and air void system parameters for freeze-thaw durability,
Volumetric proportioning testing (ASTM C457) to quantitatively assess proportioning of concrete in comparison with mix design or specifications,
Bulk resistivity testing (ASTM C1876) to characterize the capillary porosity of concrete mixture(s),
Petrographic examination of aggregates (ASTM C295) to identify potentially deleterious materials with potential for alkali-aggregate reactivity, staining, and/or pop-outs,
and more!
Standard Practice for Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete
Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of Parameters of the Air-Void System in Hardened Concrete (Method B, Method C)
Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of Aggregates for Concrete
Standard Guide for Examination of Hardened Concrete Using Scanning Electron Microscopy
Standard Test Method for Examination and Analysis of Hardened Masonry Mortar
Standard Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete
Standard Test Method for Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete
Standard Test Method for Bulk Electrical Resistivity or Bulk Conductivity of Concrete
Standard Test Method for Surface Resistivity Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration
Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles
Standard Practice for Evaluation of Rock to be Used for Erosion Control
Standard Recommended Practice for Estimating Scratch Hardness of Coarse Aggregate Particles
Deleterious Materials Testing of Aggregate
Why Choose Us?
Our team consists of highly trained and experienced petrographers and materials scientists.
We use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure accurate and reliable results.
Our reports are detailed and comprehensive, providing clients with a complete understanding of their concrete or cementitious specimens.
Our laboratory technicians are highly experienced with testing requirements of different pavement preservation materials. Twining laboratories consistently help public works agencies and contractors to test materials such as:
Slurry Seal
Chip Seal
The typical tests that we perform for such materials are:
Wet Track Abrasion
Asphalt content
Emulsion content
Aggregate gradation
Sand Equivalent
Consistency test (field test)
Our Balcony Inspection Services
Twining offers a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of property owners and managers. Our services include:

E3s Housing Balcony Inspections (CP1481)
We specialize in conducting thorough inspections in compliance with CP1481 requirements, ensuring the safety of residents and compliance with local regulations.

Structural Integrity Assessments
Our team assesses the structural integrity of your balconies, identifying potential issues related to materials, connections, and load-bearing capacity.

Safety Audits
We conduct safety audits to ensure that your balconies meet the highest safety standards, including railings, guardrails, and fire safety measures.

Exterior Elevated Elements (E3s) Housing Balcony Inspection (CP1481)
An Exterior Elevated Elements (E3s) Housing Balcony Inspection (CP1481) is a comprehensive inspection of the balcony structure, including the railings, decking, and supports. The inspection is performed to identify any potential hazards or defects that could compromise the safety of the balcony.
The CP1481 inspection is based on a set of standards developed by the Canadian Construction Association (CCA). The standards cover a wide range of topics, including:
- Design and construction requirements
- Materials and workmanship requirements
- Inspection and testing requirements
We are certified E3s inspector, and we have the experience and expertise to perform comprehensive Balcony Bill Inspections. Our team is well-versed in the local, state, and national building codes, including the requirements outlined in CP1481. We provide a thorough assessment of your balcony's structural integrity, materials, and overall safety, identify potential hazards, and recommend necessary repairs or improvements.
Mobile Laboratories
Mobile laboratories are self-sufficient units set in box trucks, trailers, or recreation-type vehicles, depending on the scope of testing to be performed and on the project site conditions. First designed and introduced to the industry by Twining, mobile laboratories are now widely used in California for on-site testing of rapid-strength concrete. They have serviced more than 300 pavement replacement projects throughout the state, and Twining has collaborated with premier research centers to bring this innovative testing approach to other states.
Rapid strength concrete, capable of achieving flexural strength of 400 psi or more in 1.5 to 4 hours after placement, is an ideal material for fast-track rehabilitation of pavements and construction of new pavements during short-time partial lane closures. Quality assurance requires testing of rapid-strength concrete for flexural or compressive strength prior to opening lanes to traffic, and our mobile laboratories are ideal for this.
Mobile laboratories designed and built for on-site testing of concrete contain the following equipment and accessories:
- Compressive testing machine(s)
- Fixtures for flexural strength testing and compressive strength testing
- Calipers and micrometers for measuring specimens
- Thermometers and multi-channel temperature recorders for monitoring the temperature of in-place concrete and test specimens
- Curing containers, thermally insulated containers for temperature-matching curing of cylinders for compressive strength, thermally insulated cover boxes for temperature-matching curing of beams for flexural strength, etc.
- Equipment for sampling concrete, fabricating test specimens, and testing properties of fresh concrete
- Portable gasoline generators
- Stationary mounted water tanks with pumps
- Curing/storage devices for transferring specimens not tested in the field to stationary or portable laboratory facility
Where required, concrete field testing can also be supplemented to test aggregates. Laboratories of this class use a bigger size vehicle. They also can be set in a separate vehicle or trailer, which allows us to locate such laboratories conveniently at the origination of aggregate samples (concrete batch plants or quarries).
Aggregate testing units are equipped with:
- Splitters for preparation aggregates for further testing in field conditions
- Portable mechanical and hand sieves
- Ovens for drying aggregates
- Washing devices
- Scales
- Special aggregate testing equipment as required
For projects where concrete specimens are required to be tested on-site in 28 days or later, Twining has designed portable laboratories that include curing units. Curing units are thermally insulated, air-conditioned, steel portable containers. For curing cylinders, the container is provided with a fogging system and storage racks. The container for curing beams is equipped with lime water curing tanks. Both types of containers can be used for the initial and final curing of concrete specimens, according to ASTM C31 provisions. The storage capacity of a standard 40’ x 8’ portable curing unit is 350 beams. The storage capacity of a 20’ x 8’ portable curing unit is 750 cylinders.

Asphalt Testing Laboratories
Twining’s asphalt testing laboratories house the most cutting-edge testing equipment and are staffed with experienced technicians certified by Caltrans under the independent assurance program. Our testing equipment enables us to perform design, quality assurance/quality control, and research testing services, and includes:
- Hveem California kneading compactor and Cox and Sons fully automated axial testing systems
- Marshall mix design and testing
- Superpave gyratory testing equipment and design
- Pavement profilograph
- Moisture sensitivity
- Rubber binder design profile testing
Twining’s asphalt laboratories give us the ability to design and test pavement preservation materials, including bonded wearing courses, open-grade asphalt concrete, chip seals, slurry seals, and cape seals. Twining is also capable of testing emulsion for specification compliance.The asphalt pavement division at Twining often depends on its laboratory to provide accurate and quick turnaround for some of the most critical projects. On the occasion that a project requires on-site testing, the asphalt pavement division maintains a fleet of mobile laboratories that are custom-designed for each project’s needs.

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratories
Our fully accredited geotechnical engineering laboratory is equipped to perform the standard tests needed in geotechnical engineering evaluations, including but not limited to:
- In situ density and moisture content
- Atterberg limits
- Sieve Analysis
- Maximum Dry Density
- Direct Shear
- Consolidation
- Expansion Index
- Sand Equivalent
- Cleanness Value
- Soundness
- R-value
Materials tested are typically obtained from bulk or driven (SPT and Modified California) samples. All laboratory testing operations are overseen by a registered geotechnical engineer. With the large amount of construction-related, time-sensitive work that Twining performs, our laboratory understands the importance of and effectively accomplishes efficient turnaround times for testing.

Construction Materials Testing Laboratories
Our construction materials testing laboratory is capable of testing virtually any structural material utilized in modern construction. Testing is performed by trained and certified technicians per the relevant American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or California Test Methods (CTM). Our labs are accredited by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Accreditation Program. In addition, custom or modified test procedures can be performed upon request. Some of our testing equipment and capabilities include:
- Up to 600,000-pound universal test machines
- Charpy V Notch test apparatus
- Rockwell hardness testing machines
- Welding procedure qualification record and welder qualification testing
- Full range of concrete masonry unit block testing
- Facilities for chemical and physical analysis of cementitious materials, chloride permeability, and a vast range of specialized tests
In support of steel and metal testing equipment, Twining maintains a complete machine shop. This allows us to make standard test specimens from submitted items. We are capable of testing everything from the size of reduced section coupons to full-scale beam-column connections. The company also has the unique ability to manufacture special fixtures, jigs, and other apparatus as may be required for unique test requirements as they arise.