Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort

This project encompassed 307,230 gross-square-foot expansion and renovation to The Waterfront Beach Resort, a Hilton Hotel, in Huntington Beach. The addition added 152 new hotel rooms to the existing 290-guestroom hotel and the renovation work on the existing hotel included remodeling the lobby and porte co·chère spaces.
The expansion project was comprised of two major elements, a tower and low-rise component. The eight-story tower is a post-tensioned concrete structure supported by auger pressure grouted piles. The roof structure includes light gauge metal truss mansard roofs, structural steel roof elements, clay tile, and membrane roofing.
The low-rise component is a structural steel and concrete structure supported by a mild-steel, concrete podium deck. This podium deck supports much of the public space, the new swimming pool and the event lawn decks. The podium is supported by an auger pressure grouted pile foundation with concrete pile caps and concrete columns between the basement level and the podium level. The basement level serves predominantly as subterranean parking and encompasses the footprint of the tower and podium.
Twining assumed the role of Geotechnical Engineer of Record and provided geotechnical observation, materials testing, and deputy inspection during grading for the building pad, new retaining walls, pavements, utility installation, and other miscellaneous grading. Our geotechnical engineer performed observations of the excavations for the proposed elevator and retaining wall footings to confirm conformance with the project geotechnical recommendations. Our soil technicians performed observations during backfill and fill placement. Twining’s field inspectors covered the testing and inspection of reinforced concrete, reinforced masonry, structural steel welding and bolting, and fireproofing including fire caulking and fire stopping.