Chapman University, Village Park Orchards (VPO) Packing House

Twining was asked by Structural Focus on behalf of Chapman University to provide a condition assessment and material testing program for the site of an upcoming University project. The University planned to convert an existing packing house into dance studios and our program would provide the University and Structural Focus (the structural engineer of record) with data to inform strengthening options for the proposed renovations.
As part of our program, Twining performed the following scope of services:
- Condition Assessment – Reinforcing Steel Configuration.
- Condition Assessment – Hollow Clay Tile Wall (HCT) Configuration.
- Material Testing – Reinforcing Steel.
- Material Testing – Hollow Clay Tile Wall Anchors.
All field sampling that Twining’s team performed was done in collaboration with Structural Focus. Further, our team set up a dust control tent that included a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and portable water sprayer at each sample location to mitigate the amount of dust spread by the extractions.