PNG Builders, Fallbrook Energy Storage System

The County of San Diego is constructing 40 megawatts (MW) of battery energy storage located on approximately 4.22-acres off East Mission Road in the unincorporated community of Fallbrook. When completed, the storage facility will be the largest in the San Diego County region.
The project would provide electrical service for the local electric utility, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and is being delivered through a build-own-transfer contract. The project itself will consist of 30 battery storage modular containers that will be housed in a warehouse building, along with a main transformer, 15 isolation transformers, and an auxiliary transformer. The housed equipment will be supported on shallow mat/pad foundations and the warehouse building will be supported on continuous footings. An infiltration basin is also planned for this project as well.
Twining is providing special inspections and materials testing of the following items:
- Soils
- Site grading/preparation
- Trench backfill/utilities
- Concrete
- Masonry
- Structural Steel
- Field Bolting
- Field Welding