Confidential Theme Park Client, P384

This project included construction of a new, main track-mounted attraction, roller coaster, and several supporting one- and two-story buildings as part of a new park attraction at a popular theme park in Southern California.
Twining performed the initial geotechnical investigation for the theme park attraction which included several borings excavated in the sensitive environment of an active, popular theme park, collection of soil samples from the borings, laboratory testing of soil samples in our local laboratory, and engineering evaluations of various foundation types including shallow foundations, mat foundation, and cast-in-drilled-hole pier foundations. A geotechnical engineering report and engineering geology report was prepared by Twining, which was submitted to and approved by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Twining provided all geotechnical engineering testing, inspection, and observation services during construction. Our geotechnical engineer was intimately involved in the geotechnical activities within this extremely fast-paced construction schedule.
Project challenges included an existing landfill on a portion of the site under the main attraction. The landfill remained in place and the foundation elements of the main attraction accounted for the potential settlement of the landfill and resulting downdrag on the cast-in-drilled-hole concrete pier foundations. The extremely fast-paced nature of the project required 24-hour turnaround of pad certifications and geotechnical observation reports that were submitted and approved by the AHJ on an interim basis.