City of Millbrae, Millbrae Upper Hillcrest Subbasin 4
Millbrae, CA

This project is comprised of the removal and replacement of existing 6-inch or 8-inch sewer mains with 8-inch sewer mains using pipe reaming, pipe bursting, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), and open cut pipe replacement construction methods, sewer lateral reconnections & replacement, sewer manhole reconnections, cleanout and/or backflow prevention devices, sewer manhole installations and, surface restoration, traffic control, mobilization, manhole modifications, sewage bypassing, and all other work.
Twining is providing materials testing and inspection services under our as-needed services contract with the City of Millbrae. Our scope of work for this project includes the inspection and testing of:
- Structural concrete, reinforcing steel, embed’s, plastic concrete
- Structural backfill and aggregate base
- Filed density testing of asphalt and placement observation
City of Millbrae
Services Provided
Special Inspection
Materials Testing Laboratories